Begin at any point around the hoop (in the video the players begin at 6:00 o'clock and in the diagram below it is shown a 3:00 o’clock start) and from a balanced position sprint around the Big Hoop in a clockwise direction, leaving it at 3:00 o’clock and sprint forward 6-8 yards focusing on your first three steps out of the hoop as the player straights up your run. The player should lean into the hoop and continue to move their arms so they are putting weight on the sides of their feet and are not balanced on the middle of their shoe. Repeat in a counter-clockwise direction. Repeat in each direction twice (x2).
A coach can vary this exercise in any way that they like including having two hoops side to side and players racing for a single gate/finish line, or players can race in a figure-eight pattern around the hoops exiting and sprinting through a gate/finish line.